weird random simulator crashes with 2011.591 version

I recently upgraded my Corona SDK for Windows, and noticed that the simulator behaves a little bit strange, because sometimes it crashes in random way.
I am developing a game and first I thought it could have been the incorrect way of releasing graphical and audio objects, but after reading a Corona blog post for this topic and fixed the problem (because actually there was one...) things improved a little bit, but simulator still crashes, but now in a not-controllable way.

Actually I don't know if it could be a simulator bug, because the other thing I noticed is that crashes happens around screen change, sometimes before, sometimes a little bit after, so maybe it could be somehow related with director library I am using.
I also tried running other games, and for example ghosts vs monsters has the same problem.

Any indications or help would be appreciated, because this thing is becoming a little bit annoying...

My Windows version is 7 ultimate.

Thanks in advance


views:1465 update:2011/10/17 21:25:02
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