Moon following a curve

So i have this moon and i want it to move in a curve (like a parabola).
(you know - like how all moons move in the sky)
I've tried using "translate" but cant seem to do it.
Any ideas?


In short, you need to take the RA and Dec of the position of the moon and convert it to a X & Y position relative to the center of your curve. Then take these position data points and scale them to your view-port dimensions.

Here is a link to a starting place for information:

There are many more. good luck


Hey ---

This may help a bit: moving an object on a fixed path...

This is what we are looking for...

thanks for the info but im kinda new to this programming thing so could you elaborate a bit more?
thank you

I haven't tried this yet -- and not sure exactly what to do -- but let's see if we can break it down...

Once you have your image inserted, you want to make it move...

The path you want to make the image move in is like a a moon going through the sky. I picture a parabola... like the graph of the equation [y = -x^2 + 4] or on a widescreen, something less steep like y=-.2x^2 +4 ... type those in on a graphing calculator online to see which one you like best.

Insert your moon, set it's motion to that parabola, give it a velocity, and there you go.
I'm not exactly sure how to do this, but this thread should point you in the right direction.

views:1899 update:2011/9/26 15:43:22
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