Texture Packer: Artifacts?

We are using Texture Packer to process our spritedata but we are finding that we're getting some strange artifacts along the border of sprites. Vertical lines that are maybe a pixel wide, then stretched - most noticeable when viewing a game on iPad.

Am running TexturePackerGUI.exe (Pro ver. - running basic algorithm. Has anyone seen anything like this - or figured out the workaround/fix?


I don't use Texture Packer myself but have you checked your sizes? Any odd numbers?

If a frame is, for example, 51x51 you should adjust it to either 50x50 or 52x52.


I was having this same issue. I didn't notice even numbers making a difference, instead I made sure there was at least a 1px transparent border around each sprite. That seemed to make my artifacting issues go away.

Thank you Peach, thank you producerism... I will attempt the one pixel border and see if this resolves our issue!!

EDIT: I have since tried the clear buffer around the sprites and this indeed does seem to alleviate (eliminate) the artifacts seen before. I don't know if TexturePacker has a newer revision out yet, but this should be addressed hopefully soon.

EDIT 2: I spoke too soon... the artifacting is NOT seen on the Corona Sim first of all. Secondly, it isn't perceivable on the iPhone4 screen. It is very apparent on the iPad2 - due to scaling perhaps? There is DIFFERENT artifacting from the same build on the iPad1. So this is getting pretty interesting...

application =
        content =
                width = 320,
                height = 480,
                scale = "zoomStretch"

hm, what kind of artifacting are you seeing? Any way you could take a device screenshot?

I have only been testing in the simulator and on 2 different Android devices, so I'm not aware of any iOS specific issues (yet).

Typically the artifacting I'm referring to are stray single pixel wide lines that appear to be several pixels tall vertically. They appear on the "edge" of the sprite. Sometimes the left edge, sometimes the right edge. Most always it's a dark pixel (black?).

I will see if I can capture a screen shot.

sounds just like the issue I was having. I might need to test on iOS, I could still be having the same problem and not knowit.

Here is where the inner padding comes to the rescue.

Use anything from 1-5 pixels for inner padding and that will do the job. The problem has to do with smoothing during the scaling of the elements, they tend to go beyond the border of your image.

The rollover help in Texture Packer - Inner Padding property explains it very well.

It fixed that problem in our app.

Christian, I'm unaware of a "inner padding"; is this a parameter within the tool?

EDIT: By the way, I'm wrong - the artifacting DOES appear on the Sim - but when you switch to the iPad skin, I haven't seen it on the other skins. So it most likely is related to the scaling.

EDIT 2: Okay, I found the "inner padding" parameter in Texture Packer and did a rollover "help" look-see... and will give it a try. Thanks for the pointer!

EDIT 3: Confirmed; inner padding fixed my issue. (If I could, I would kiss Christian Sanchez). Inner Padding people... that's the solution to this thread. Good luck all!

Good to know that it worked for you too. :-)

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