Something like Director, but without the Segmentation Faults and Bus Errors?

For my project, the Director Class is overkill, and it's not working at all. To make things even more frustrating, it works fine on the simulator, but not on an actual device.

I don't need transitions, and I think I can handle the clean-up. Is there something out there that can simply switch from one lua to another? And, no, as of now, just resetting the variables isn't going to do it for me.

If Director is not helping you, you can try to make your own class. It's very hard to make something that can be used for everyone for everything, maybe if you make just the part you need, it will be a better solution.

/ endRant

I got Director to work on my iPad. It seems that iPads don't really like fast transitions. To get past this, I made a new function:

function moveOn()

I recommend this if director does not suit your needs (although director is awesome - thanks ricardo!):


Great to see that you got your app to work with Director!

views:1522 update:2011/10/13 9:25:17
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