New Corona break my game

I built my game using Corona newest version ( January build) in a hope that it will increase performance of my game, turned out it won't even run on the device. I tried building the game using the previous version ( December build) and everything works fine, except that the game runs very unstable and very slow.

I tried building my game using the previous version on iPod Touch 4. There is no problem. Run smoothly at 60 FPS.

I use physics in my game, as well as spritesheet. Is it possible that spritesheet has problems in Android? I tried Bubble Ball on Android and while there is some lag to be found, it isn't as much as my game. But I'm not sure because there is no FPS display in Bubble Ball while I show it in my game so I know mine.

I've been struggling with this for almost a year now and my subscription is ending, yet I haven't finished any game because I seems to always run into problems that cannot be solved by myself but wait for the next build. So any help would be really appreciated here :'(

I think I found the problem. The new version CANNOT load images from a folder inside the root path. I put all my images in res/ folder. It worked fine in the previous version. Now I have to move everything out to the root of the project folder ( where the main.lua is located ) in order to make it to work on device. On simulator, it works fine either way.

I still stand that Corona should really focus on showing debugging message on devices, both Android and iOS. I've read that there's a work around for iOS, but I have yet to see a work around for Android. :(

I had the same problem with the Android image sub-directories build thing.
Images in sub-dirs just did not work (same as lua files).

The only workaround I could figure out was to create a shell script which renames and copies everything to the the root folder.
It replaces all the paths with the new image filename (with underscores instead of slashes ie: /Media/GFX/foo.png ren into Media_GFX_foo.png). And it also replaces the "string" in the lua file with the new filename so I don't have to change this everytime I build Androoooid.

The whole matter is a bit annoying and having everything in one folder creates a giant mess in the SVN and is therefore NOT an option (I don't wanna get laughed at by my colleges).

I don't understand why this is not done on the server side since it isn't that complicated (if it can be fixed with a shell script) Corona Guys?

Here is the script (youll need macports and gsed installed to run it) It needs some tweaking because it only does the .png files for now and the directories are hard coded and it's just a quick fix and no demonstration of the awesomeness of scripting skills, but hey it's a start. ;)

mkdir -p build
find . -regex '.*/Media/.*png' -exec ./ {} \;
cp *.lua build
cp *.png build
cp *.settings build
find build -name '*.lua' -exec gsed -s -i -r 's#(.*)\/Media\/GFX\/(.*.png)#\1_Media_GFX_\2#' {} \;

This is an unfortunate bug that we're aware of and will address as soon as possible.


Uggh.... I wish I'd read this earlier. I've been debugging timer issues that appeared with Corona Win. When a OSX compile didn't work I was convinced it was my code.

It's actually two separate issues: my build for Android works on device using previous Corona OSX, but fails in Win simulator because of timers and transitions not firing.

Thank you for the info Tim! I am glad to hear that. :)
I know fixing bugs is weary but keep it up!


views:1413 update:2011/10/9 22:34:50
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