can I use keyboard of Mac for testing on simulator ?

my game got two touch area for jumping and firing.
and it running very fast.

if i use mouse to click the two areas on simulator,too busy and too slow with my hand ! alway die before the level end.

so, can I make some code to use real keyboard of mac on simulator for debug ?

thanks alot!

+1 keyboard would be sweet.


Can someone tell where to find docs/code on how to use the keyboard. In the game I working on, the user needs to interact with the keyboard(using arrow/directional keys).


It'd be MUCH easier to use arrow keys to test playability etc before going through the (albeit it minimal) hassle of building and loading an app to the device.

Testing platformer games, or anything with more than one button in simulator is pretty much impossible due to this, and disruptive to the otherwise fantastic Corona workflow.

At present you can't, no, but we're aware it is a requested feature :)

Are there any updates on this feature?

Not at this time, you can see priority upcoming features on the roadmap :)

views:1417 update:2011/9/26 15:43:22
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