hiScore.lua module

Hey all i've built a module for managing high score list. With it you can have one list or multiple list, so if you want a list for each level, no problem. Need to just track the high score, top 5 scores, top 10, top 100 in ascending or descending order no problem. The module is $0.99 but for a limited time if you tweet you can get if free. Just visit http://j-strahan.com/main/?category_name=high_score_list to download.

Just tweeted and got it...looking forward to checking it out.

I've never heard of that tweet and get it service...very interesting!



tweet and get is a plug-in for wordpress but sure there are other versions

It says I have to use paypal sandbox?

click on the tweet & get button above the paypal button

let me clarify... I tried purchasing it, and when I pressed PayPal it said that I need to use a sandbox. First time I ever see that. Sorry

Ok I'll try that :)

idk ill check it out

ok that worked :) thanks! I wanted to contribute with $, but I guess I'll take that :) ... now make one for saving states of music on/off/etc and I'll be glad to pay/tweet for that as well :)

yeah don't use that im disabling it now
if you were buying just to support thanks if not thanks anyway
ill change it to a donate button instead of this paypal sandbox its the first time i used this they advertised it as paypal but guess its not thanks for bringing this to my attention

That's a neat plugin.

Downloaded and tweeted - sure it will be awesome :)


@Peach - you should make people tweet your stuff :)

thanks peach

ok paypal link works now
the paypal sandbox is a way of testing the button i forgot to turn it off so it now works

I wouldn't do it for everything but I may actually implement it for some stuff in the future - couldn't hurt.

No worries jstrahan, hope you get a bunch of downloads :)

thanks peach
hoping to have the file save/load module up in a few days, it's being designed to integrate with the hiScore module and a few others to come.

That's a good idea, people seem to have a fair amount of interest in that. (I put up my own very simple save/load solution recently, have had a fair few hits.)

Peach :)

today is the last day to tweet and get hiScore.lua for free
check it out http://j-strahan.com/main/?category_name=high_score_list

Thanks for the tip @jStrahan.

I`ve got it. But honestly I`ll not use it RIGHT NOW, btw your Lua knowledge as exposed many times here in the community made me feel to get this "art" from you. BTW I would pay for it, NP.

PS: Ah, I`ve got your RSS news into my RSS reader as well. Looking forward good Corona Tips! :)


thanks rodrigo

only 2 hours left to get it free

Hey J.

I just bought the hiScore.lua lib and it works great, one question. I want to display the value of the score in a HighScore Scene instead of the terminal.

How can I retrieve the value of each highscore stored on the list and assing it to a varible so I can display the text and score on a screen that has the 10 highest scores



Just figured it out how to do it..

Using the following command you'll retrieve the highscore of the listlevel

local score1 = listLevel[1].score[1]

maybe you can include that in the readme file you get with the lua file to show users how to retrieve info from the table and display it on screen.

thanks Steve
I plan on releasing an update sometime next week that will have a display, save, & load options

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