Corona Simulator: Add delay for splash screen

Apps load so darn fast in the Corona Simulator that most of the time the splash screen (Default.png) doesn't have time to display or flashes by so quickly that it's impossible to see it.

Maybe you could add something like a 2 second delay after it has been loaded (on simulator only of course) before the app continues to run?
It would help a bit while testing apps instead of having to compile for device just to see if the splash screen works/looks as it should.


You have my support! :P

I would find this so unbelievable irritating when doing things that require restarting a bunch of times.

That said, I think an option to do this is a good idea and will bring it up in our next meeting.

Peach :)

That's a good point.
I guess a setting in Preferences would be adequate.

I agree with Peach. It's a real pain to be constantly reloading the sim to test something and have to wait on splash screens.

The Default.png screen should be treated as going away as fast as it possibly can even on device. If you need one to last longer, then your main.lua should take care of it.

I agree, thus the suggestion that the option should be put in Preferences...

This may be considered however as you know there are plenty of higher priority fixes and features that need doing before things like this will be considered.


Actually, this is not a bug or a feature.

setup a timer.performWithDelay with a delay you want and after the delay- remove the splash screen. don't call it default.png, call the image "splash.png" or any name of your choice.

local f = display.newImage("splash.png");
local function fooFunc(event)

Thanks Carlos, however I think you misunderstood me. I'm not wanting to roll my own splash screen.
I only want to use the built-in functionality of iOS. This already works well on the device, however since the apps load so quickly in the Corona simulator you don't see it. Sometimes you don't see it at all, and sometimes it flashes by so quickly that it's impossible to see if if looks ok.
The only way to test this at the moment is to compile for device, and I'm just wanting the simulator to be more like the real thing. But like mentioned above it should be an optional toggle as it could get annoying if always activated.

views:2114 update:2012/2/6 12:03:31
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