Looking for an Advanced Programmer.

Hi everybody, I have no experience at all with Corona SDK! So i'm looking to start a small team. I was good with GameSalad but it couldn't handle what I wanted. With being 12 and all though with school and homework I don't have too much time to learn this and then acually make an app. Would anyone like to start a team, I have an artist that is very, very good and have 3 great ideas. If anyone is interested in either helping me or wanting to start a team. I just want one super experienced programmer for the team and we can figure out a pay then. If nobody wants to start a team is there anyone that will always be there if I ever need help, im sure the videos don't cover everything and I probally wont understand some of it. So if anybody is interested in one of the two things just email me at ars914.gs@gmail.com. Thanks a lot everyone!


views:1420 update:2011/11/28 11:38:31
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