PhysicsEditor Feature Request: Circles for Corona!

Sorry if PhysicsEditor posts are out of place here, I figured since both are code-n-web products, this would be an appropriate forum for a feature request.

I've noticed that PhysicsEditor supports adding circles as physics shapes for just about every exporter, except for Corona, Quickbox2D, and Lime.

However, Corona fully supports using circles as physics objects, so it seems odd that this would be disabled. Same for Quickbox2d, however I'm not as concerned with that since this is the Corona forum.

I'll add them right now. The update containing the circles will be available within the next 2 days.

There is however one small problem with corona: It does not allow setting the center of a circle - so all will show up in the center of the sprite.

Thanks for the quick response. I am aware of the limitation, and have been padding my images with transparent pixels to account for the offset.

I've also just filed a feature request for better support when using circles as physical bodies. Perhaps you could chime in as well:

views:1583 update:2012/1/15 11:04:51
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