Python Developer trying to Learn Corona (LUA)

Hello all,

I have experience in many things Python. I took up Corona to start creating Android and iPhone Apps. I have used nothing but the tutorials and documents on this site, and have gained a wealth of information. The recent update to the Free version allowed me to use the ui.lua module for the first time in the Windows SDK. I was actually in the process of rewriting it (rollovers were killing me until I re-read setfocus()) and it worked for what I needed. Long story short, ui.lua works (yay), my reinventing the wheel ui.lua script runs (after a few changes), but no Listeners work at all.

Did I start wrong? Should I have read all the LUA Docs I could handle or should I continue with the Corona Docs and give it time?

Of the 10+ languages I have worked with, LUA confounds me some times.

I could paste the codes if someone has the time to review them and tell me were I went wrong... If I don't understand something it bothers me :-/ but all I am worried about right now is getting a working demo out...

NO listeners work at all?

Could you perhaps share a small snippet of your code containing a function its listener so I can take a look and hopefully give you some insight? :)


views:1433 update:2011/9/28 9:01:40
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