crazy physics bodies

Hey all, for this post I have 2 questions:

1.) is there a way to make a physics body get smaller along with the image it is associated with?( like an object going far away{shrink} then coming close{grow})

2.) I have two objects that are just floating around on my screen. At the beginning of the scene I give each a linear impulse so as to make them bounce around the screen. Only problem is if I stay on the menu, after a few minutes the objects will start going crazy.(i.e. spinning out of control, bouncing around a ridiculous speeds)

Much appreciated,

1. From what I've read, you can't change the dimensions of a physics body once it's been created. You have to create a new one, then delete the old one.

2. Not really sure about that one. Have you changed the physical properties of the body from the defaults (like bounce)?

1.) Well that is a feature they need to get...

2.)Yea, I tried that. But the settings I have currently are exactly what I want. changing them messes the objects up, either making them bounce like a particle of steam, or go "thud" against the wall like an oval-shaped ball of uranium the size of an elephant.

Question 1 x2495iiii is correct.

Question 2 - have you tried obj:getLinearVelocity()? You could do that then if it is higher than X amount, set it back down.

Peach :)

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