A couple of questions about playing video

These are kind of a newbie questions:

When playing video, does it always slide into the frame from the side? is there no way to make the video appear by fade or crossfade?

I'm still not sure how to set the video controls to false. For example, in your "Streaming Video" template, what command would I add and in which part of the code?

display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

local posterFrame = display.newImage( "Default.png" )

function posterFrame:tap( event )
msg.text = "Video Done" media.playVideo( "http://www.anscamobile.com/video/Corona-iPhone.m4v", media.RemoteSource, true )


local isSimulator = "simulator" == system.getInfo("environment")


if isSimulator then
msg = display.newText( "No Video on Simulator!", 0, 60, "Verdana-Bold", 22 )
msg = display.newText( "Tap to start video", 0, 60, "Verdana-Bold", 22 )
posterFrame:addEventListener( "tap", posterFrame ) -- add Tap listener

msg.x = display.contentWidth/2 -- center title
msg:setTextColor( 0,0,255 )

Hey there,

No, it does not always come in from the side.

Controls showing/not showing is set by using true or false, see example here; http://developer.anscamobile.com/reference/index/mediaplayvideo

Also, if you want your code looked at please post it in < lua > tags, otherwise it's kind of a headache ;)

Peach :)

views:1604 update:2011/10/26 9:29:31
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