Game Center support?

Game Center is now hugely important for iPhone and iPad game makers, so I have a question: Will we have Game Center support in Corona? If I understang Game Center/ the Game Kit API right, it facilitates (besides highscore sharing and such) creating simultaneous multiplayer matches.

I saw an old thread on the subject here, but now that the iPad got Game Center too -- and games using it get much more exposure due to this new Game Center icon, which then features these games in the app -- I wanted to ask. (I bought Corona mainly to do two-player gaming of the "face to face" nature, but am pondering online multiplayer too.)

I am definately interested in this too.

I feel this is even more critical than IAP. Hopefully it'll be out this year.

Imagine what download numbers games get that are now being displayed in the Game Center default screen. I downloaded a couple of games there today myself, simply because they had some kind of Game Center integration and their icon was right there in display. People might start to actively seek out Game Center content now and prefer it over non-Game Center ones...

It will be on the revised roadmap....

I am hoping to publish it by Dec 3rd.... Keyword here is "hoping" to the roadmap, the feature we will put in... we are prioritizing ;-)


So apparently this didn't make into yesterday's release, which was awesome by the way.

Do we have a new date of when this will be implemented?

Another vote for game center. Multiplayer and social go hand in glove.

Please update us on when GameCenter support is coming out.

So our first game is ready for launch but people says do not release a game today without support for Game Center. So is there anywhere I can look to know when this is coming to Corona SDK?

I am also interested in having Game center support added to Corona by the time I finish working on my game= in few weeks "hopefully"

GameCenter with multiplayer is critical to our games.
Any update on when that will be added to Corona?
Even a rough estimate would make the decision to buy a subscription much easier to make.
Thumbs up for your great work so far!

@chris6 - please ;-) don't double post.

See answer

Apologies for the double post. :-)

views:2314 update:2011/9/17 17:36:09
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