In-App Purchase Rejected

Hi guys,
I have submitted for review an in app purchase product. However, it got rejected without any notification and under the languages section, there is a label 'rejected'.
I have absolutely no idea why it got rejected.
Would appreciate help.


I got the same...
The app is still in review.
Anybody experienced with this?

How got you over it?

Hello, have you guys solved this problem? I have the same situation here and I have absolutely no idea of what is wrong with my in-app purchase

I experience this to. I chalked it up to the fact that I've self-rejected my app binary and that Apple was auto-rejecting the IAP. I'm pretty sure Apple needs a valid binary in the cue along with the associated IAP submissions.

But maybe there's something else going on, hopefully not on the Corona side. Has anyone had a successful IAP submission lately?

My IAP products was rejected because I used a "consumable" to made a subscription. That was doable in the older days but now it's forbidden. Next thing - I used one of them to made a 2-day subscription (for test) - that's also forbidden - 7 days minimum.

So I'm in the next round now ;)

Got an app submitted and approved this morning with IAP, no issues. (Using three different consumables, no subs, English only.)

Gugu, what was your screenshot like? What languages did you add?

Peach :)

Because of the Lodsys debacle, Apple was rejecting IAP driven apps for a while. Might be still the case and Peach was just lucky to get through.

Possibly, although I know three other devs who have had IAP apps (Corona ones) approved in the past three days as well - one the day before me and one about 4 hours ago.

Hi Peach and all guys,

I have used english only. Now I think that Apple rejected my IAP because I would like to use IAP for remove Ads.
I have read in the various blogs that Apple can't permit to remove ads via IAP. It's possible?


Hi all, I just got my game AND in-app purchase approved!.

Looks like what XenonBL said about a valid binary needed is correct. My in-app purchase was rejected twice when my binary was in status "Developer Rejected", this last time I uploaded my final binary and everything went OK! :)

By the way, the review/approval took about 5 days, previous rejections were made in less than 48 hours.

@miu --thanks for the confirmation. I can breathe a little easier (although I'm still really hating all these hoops I need to jump through just test IAP).

And congrats on getting your app approved! What's it called?

views:1294 update:2011/10/10 21:27:38
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