Meaningful Code Signing Identity

It's a pain everytime I go to make a build to find the correct provisioning file to use to make the build (I have about 20 profiles). Is it possible to use the meaningful provision name in the list so I can differentiate which is which? Thanks!

I second this, would make things much easier.

Same here. The funny thing is that the screenshot in the documents showed names.

That's exactly what I was thinking, I assumed I had done something wrong with my profiles until I found this thread.

Added feature request #848 (internal database)


Any progress on this? I am totally confused as to which code signing identity to use. I have about 20 and I can't match the right one to the correct provisioning profile in iTunes connect. How do I know which code signing identity to choose?

if you go to xcode and in window select organizer there is a provision profile tab. here you can see the names, and click on it that gives you the code corona is using. thats how i matched them until the corona guys told me that you could go into the provision folder, and actually just rename the files to something meaningful, then whatever you rename the filename to is how it shows up in the corona list.

Thanks! This is helpful. Will try

views:2015 update:2011/9/19 9:18:26
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