Is Lime completely necessary?

I wanted to create a game very much like the Final Fantasy games for the N64. Will I need to get Lime to do something like that or is it to ease the process? If it is not *required*, what advantages does it have besides importing maps?

I think it really ease the process. Building levels takes a lot of time and honestly working with TexturePacker / Tiled / Lime made me spare a lot of time ( and so money ) in building level. It also reduce as far as I am concerned the number of errors I could get if I was using another solution.

Bruno from

Does it allow you to place attributes on each tile, for example: to make it impassible?

I don't use the physic stuff. I added properties to both the map and the tiles. And I manage the impassibility by myself.

Bruno from

Is it worth using Lime if you are making a large map space that the player can move around in? Or is it just for side-scrolling games moving left to right?


I've started developing an isometric tile-based RPG with Lime. Even with Lime 3.4 I'm running into performance problems on the device, especially with 64x64px tiles on larger maps. You may be able to improve performance by setting your tile size lower at 16x16px, then upscaling if you're going to go down this route. You'll have a drop in visual quality, but its up to you how you want to balance speed / visuals.

Bear in mind that users won't care about anything under the hood in your application. They'll get frustrated if your game doesn't run silky-smooth.

You may also have to write some custom code to hide tiles that are not being displayed on the screen - I don't think Lime is able to do that for you yet.

Lime 3.4 has culling for regular orth maps but not iso ones yet. The main issue now is simply that mobile devices can't handle that many objects. I am looking into ways of having a dynamic loading system in place. I have a basic version of it working however I can see alot of problems down the line such as physics, parallax and other features of Lime. I'm still working on it though.

views:1634 update:2011/10/13 16:30:09
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