Error during software update

When I launched the program I saw this:

I clicked the install update button and I got this:

The Mac version installed perfectly. My Windows version has an error.

Overall I'm very happy with Corona Project Manager. I'm still using TextWrangler but I can see using CPM a lot more in the future.

Great work Jay!


I received the same error when attempting to update from within CPM. You can download and install the full version of 2.1.0 - it will respect your previous settings.

Sorry about that, v2.1.1 will be released on Monday and I'll try and make sure the Windows version is correct. (Not sure what was wrong with this last one, but I'll double-check everything next time.)


@Jay and DVD Guy, Thanks for the replies. CPM is getting better by the week :D I'll wait for the next drop or maybe just stick to the Mac version for now. I haven't gotten my Android device yet :(

I just uploaded v2.1.1 and my Win and Mac machines updated without any problems. Give it a shot!


Jay the update works. Sweetness has ensued.

Thank you.


views:1325 update:2011/10/12 9:17:43
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