Cannot Build ( Error #5 ) - Server side?

Yesterday I had a problem involving accepting the ToS but it's fine now. I'm running into another problem though- I'm getting this error when I try to build my program. I know there are error messages in the console, ( the ones with values from ~80.x to 100.0 ) and at first I thought they were the problem but I tried building another app and I still have the same issue. Help would be greatly appreciated! The error message in the picture below suggest it's server side, but I don't want to assume anything. <-- A screen capture of the console and prompt corona is giving me.

The same here. I was building fine this afternoon, but now I am getting this error message:

An error occurred during the build. Please consult the Console logs (or the corresponding Terminal window) for more details.

In terminal:
ERROR: An error occurred during build. The server returned the following message:
[Error: A device build error occurred on server.]

Nothing in console.

I tried to build the code which was fine in afternoon, but it doesn't guild now. Some problems on server side?

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Is the server down? I can't build either. Have a deadline today too...

The thread I posted yesterday involved not being able to build because I could not accept the ToS. I eventually found that hitting "cancel" would allow me to build without accepting it. This is just a guess but maybe Ansca is doing a hotfix for this?

It's working for me now, thanks for the speedy fix, Ansca!

views:1798 update:2011/10/11 22:13:38
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