Blank screen trouble

Hi, i've only just started and already in trouble :-)

background = display.newImage( "rainbow dots42.jpg", 20,20)
myText = display.newText( "ORGANISATION, MANIAC", 85, 425, native.systemFont, 50 )
myText:setTextColor( 255,255,0 )
myText.yScale = 1.0
myText.rotation = 90

doesn't work, it shows a blank screen that is the colour of the text, I've tried looking at tutorials but I couldn't find the info.
Any suggestions please?


background = display.newImage( "rainbow dots42.jpg")

Im sorry but the command does not seem to work, I don't know why, but thank you.

Check if the file exist, or maybe remove the space and try:

background = display.newImage( "rainbowdots42.jpg")

The command with the x, y co-ordinates works fine too, why would you want to call it without the co-ordinates? It would help to position it the first time.

However the first time when you position the image, it is TopLeft bu the next time you access it, the referencePoint is Center.



I read wrong thats why :P

My appologies

Thank you, and just a question, as I've made a folder for this project I've also added the picture inside, anything wrong? as the simulator can't find the picture. Otherwise everything's perfectly fine with help from you guys, which I really appreciate.

Can you provide a little more info?

Are you using Corona Project Manager?

Im using notepad ++ to write then loading the file on to Corona Simulator

The last thing to check (if your still having the issue) is to make sure the filename is exactly :


Thank you

i've had a look at some more tutorials and it's ended up that corona had found the image, it's just it could not show it as the picture had a too high res. I've finally fixed the problem but i do thank you guys!

views:1503 update:2011/10/11 8:57:46
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