Background work before using In-Apps Purchase

In-Apps purchase is a great thing, but it just doesn't work out of the box. There are a few things you need to do before you can even test out the sample code.

Here is a video that shows how to setup a test app and then create In-App purchases with the identifiers (ProductID) that are used in your apps.

The video can be found at

The process is the same as creating an app on the iTunes store, the only difference is that you do not have to upload a binary.

A few things that were already created
1. A Unique Provisioning Profile
2. A 512x512 Icon for the new app entry, you can create a blank 512x512 image
3. a 320x480 image for the screenshot, you can create a blank 320x480 image

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views:1651 update:2011/10/10 21:27:38
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