clicking "agree" on user agreement shuts corona down

I have Windows 7 on both my laptop and pc, however on the pc, no matter what I try (compatibility, administrator), after installing corona and trying to open it up - when clicking "agree" it simply behaves as if I clicked disagree and goes away. This is such a frustrating bug. I'm redownloading and will try reinstalling. I should note that my PC is currently offline and I only go online with my laptop. Any help is appreciated.


Sorry to push this up, but ANYONE have an idea? Carlos? Devs? I intend to use my PC for most of my development soon. I can't buy the full license if I can't use my PC. I found a few other posts about this, but no solutions that I could see.

skype: anscamobile

I had the exact same problem. I finally figured it out - every time you load it up, Corona checks for an internet connection so you can log in and validate the type of license you have. If it doesn't find an internet connection, it automatically quits right after clicking 'Agree'. Even after getting online for the first time and logging in, it will still constantly prompt for you to agree to the license and log in when you fire up Corona. Unfortunately for me my personal system won't have a reliable internet connection over the next year due to deployment, so I will have to make do never turning off Corona while I am away from internet.

Thank you! :) I had a feeling that might be the case since my PC isn't hooked up to the internet at the moment. I hadn't tried to test it however, as it means moving the stupid rig. I'll try today.

views:1492 update:2011/10/10 15:46:04
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