Do webpopups just not work on Android?

I've got an app that loads a small webpopup at the top of the screen. Code:

native.showWebPopup( 0, 0, 320, 25, "", {urlRequest=listener} )

It works fine on the iphone device, but will not work on the Android.

Am I just beating a dead horse has this been solved already and I'm just missing it?

Im doing tests with a myTouch and it is working fine.... is this an admob ad? because the correct height is 48... also check if you have some odd settings in the build.settings or config.lua (like a content-scale setting that is not behaving as expected in different resolutions)

No, the Admob hack uses local html to load external data via some admob java scripting. This is not doing that, I'm loading a remote aspx page from my web server into a small webview in an Android app (my size is specified, just 25px high)

I've tried everything but cannot get a REMOTE webpage to load in a webpopup on an android device.

There is a problem with this case. I'll push the priority up for fixing it.

Thanks Eric, when you say "problem with this case" you mean to know you guys are aware of the issue and I'm not going crazy?

Yup. How important is this to you?

Very important!
I tried in a previous app to get this working but after many failed attempts I left it alone, but in this new app (which is ready to publish, the web view (webpopup) is all I'm waiting on before I can actually publish the app.


Any word on the webpop for android fix?

I'm still waiting on an response from Ansca on why the webpopup for remote webpage isn't working on Android devices.
Anything guys, updates please!

Anything, anyone? I cannot get a webpopup to work on Android and would really like a solution.


It's fixed, we're working on pushing it out for you.

Awesome! You have no idea how much this will mean to me!

Just curious - where will the download be? I'm assuming the fix will be wrapped in an SDK release?

Im using Corona 2.0 and I had the same problems on android. Its already fixed?
My code:
native.showWebPopup("", {urlRequest=listener})

But I can`t change "baseUrl". So , all my url are open as ""/data/data/"

This should not work fine for me.

So, it is working loading page from another server?



We have pushed a fix for this issue to our device build servers. As this fix is only on the server-side, you do not need to download anything to "get it". Just rebuild your application for device and it will work as expected. Thanks for your patience!



I'm still getting the same error message.


This page does not exist, off course. :D

The program HAS internet access/permission.

Does someone has a small example with native.showWebPopup( ) ? Maybe Im doing something wrong....

My command are:

native.showWebPopup("", {urlRequest=listener} )

By the way: How can Iput a second option ? Fro example, baseUrl? Is this correct?

native.showWebPopup("", {urlRequest=listener},{baseUrl=/} )

I'm still getting the same error message.
/data/data/net.xuti (...) data

Any idea?

Im simply cannot reach the internet. My program HAS this authorization.

Thanks to all.

Sorry, the notice of the fix should have been more clear. This fix is only available for Game Edition builds at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. The fix has been rolled into all future updates, but we don't have a patch for basic builds right now.

Let me understand: I have both versions. If I build my app with Game Version, should working ok ?

Yes, that's correct.

Hey all, Richard here from Moonbeam Development -
Just popping it to say the webpopup fix is working great on the Android side now (Game Edition)-
Thanks for the hard work!

Hello Ansca -

I loaded a remote website using the following:
native.showWebPopup( 0,100,320,320, "" )

But I want to click on a video link and have the video play by kicking out to the fullscreen built-in video player.

Thoughts? Can this be a quick patch?

Embed tag does not work on Android either.

The only way is to run this on Android and it launches the entire browser:

But I do not want the user to be able to see the browser address bar.

Please help. Thank you.

Thanks for the fix - this has been driving me crazy all evening. I'm going to stop building with Basic Edition and start building with the Game Edition. I can't afford to keep losing hours to these kind of issues.

native.showWebPopup( "" )

Is not working on android 2.2 device!
We just getting a black screen of death.
Works on IOS.
Using corona 268 build

Please Help!

Working now forgot in the build.settings

settings =
androidPermissions =

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