Include mp4 file in build

Is there a reason why an mp3 file in my folder is included in the builds I make but an mp4 file gets excluded ?
I was trying to find out if I could playback html5 video using a weboverlay, but it looks like the video doesn't even get packaged into the build.

Any ideas? Can I change this so the mp4 file gets inserted anyway ?

Kind regards,


On I also see the the phone supports mp4, m4v etc, but nothing found about android.

Any hints please ?

Kind regards,


Hi Bart,

I'm seeing the same issue and will file a bug. This is not a problem it seems with .m4v files or .mov files, so if you can re-encode your files in one of those formats it should work. Even just renaming the file extension on your .mp4 file to, say, .m4v includes the file in the build.

Thanks for the report.


Tim, and should I be able to show a 100x100 pixel m4v file on a local webpage inside a webpopup ?

I'm trying to figure out if I can somehow display a smaller video on top of corona content , but with the video not fullscreen.


Currently it's not possible to overlay video with other Corona content; for now video plays in the device-specific popup media player. This is a much requested feature so it's definitely on our radar.


ok so its also not possible in a webpopup ?

If something is on your radar, then what does this mean? Does this mean its being looked at or is it for maybe in 1 or 2 years ?

Kind regards,


Hi Bart,

I haven't tried playing video in a web popup, that's an interesting idea. It may work, but I don't have an example to provide at the moment.

As far as timeline goes, I'm not able to say for certain when a given feature may appear, sorry.


The mp4 issue is fixed and should be in our next release.

@Tim, would it be difficult to create a little test for this playing back inside a webpopup? I mea that I tried the demo wit webpopup in it on top of the fishies, but don't really know what tags I need to use for testing video in html5.

its the tag I know, but I don't know how to correctly use it.

@Eric, thank you for this fix. Does Corona Game SDK autoupdate or do I have to go check somewhere regularly to see if updates are available?

@Anyone who want to hear it @ Ansca. Can the feature of playing back smaller (eg 256x256) videofiles on top of corona content be added on a todo list? This is an extremely needed feature which at this moment witholds me from using corona seriously to create educational learning apps. Currently I use flash for this (which can nicely playback video in a iphone and android app), but I would prefer to do this in corona since flash makes my app soo big (and certainly slower than the same made in corona)

Kind regards,


When is the release coming out with the MP4 being included in Android builds?

I need to play video local MP4 on Android App.

Remote MP4 is working on both ---
media.playVideo("", media.RemoteSource, true)

Note: I had to update the Mime types on the webserver to recognize the MP4 extension

FEATURES that I am trying to get working on both devices:
- Local MP4 play (not working on Android)
- Is the remote video option working on Android?
- When video is done playing, the player auto-closes (is there a way to keep player open?)
(if user wants to play the video again immediately then have option to have player stay open and they can use the built-in 'done' button to close player)

I am currently using Version 2010.109 (2010.9.30)

Please help... playing Video locally is very important in my next App using Android.


Yes, I am also trying to get Video to play in native.showWebPopup and it does not work.

This is a high priority for me as well and I really hope it can be a quick patch similar to being able to show remote URLs in WebView.

I have code in place to test immediately if this is able to be done.

Thank you in advance for your consideration :)

p.s. this is because I do not want to launch the browser (system.openURL) separately because I do not want to show the user the URL.

I am trying to launch both on Android and iPhone using WebPopup to play remote video.

Ansa - thank you for latest build with fixes.

I tested and I have found the following with Android (iPhone is fine)

- MP4 is now copied into build (so is M4V)

- Local mediaPlayVideo is not working

- Remote mediaPlayVideo is working on Android (still some minor memory issues for stability) --- I have logged a support issue and Ansca could duplicate and said that they would try to take a look and fix on Android

Just for anyone else trying to play video on Android --- what I have successfully done is use:
system.openURL(gURL) --- the gURL variable equals your website path directly to the MP4 file (Note: you will have to have a webserver that allows Mime Type "video/mp4" to be setup for your website to play the MP4 videos directly in the web browser)

local gURL = ""

This will launch the current Android video player... it works very nicely.

I hope this is helpful for someone.

Can't play video on android device (Galaxy Tab)

i'm trying this code:

local onComplete = function(event)
print( "video session ended" )
media.playVideo( "", true, onComplete ) is located in app directory.

but when i run the app on android galaxy tab this message appears:
Cannot play video
unable to play video. Error occurred.

on iPhone it works fine!

.MOV (only works on Apple devices)

.MP4 and .M4V works on both

...or you will need two copies if you want to keep the .MOV

But .MOV does not work on Android.

There is also good documentation for the correct Video and compression settings (but on Android it gets tricky with all the different devices that are out there)

still have the problem even with changing to .mp4 and .m4v file!
the same error message appears!!!
Is there any compression settings for Android device (to make video play on android)??
and can i play video from local, not from remote source (on android)?

Sorry, from my 12/08/2010 post --- local remote is not working on Android and I have logged an issue --- I hope it is fixed in next build.

However, you can try this because Android does need the full path qualified when referring to a file which is different than iOS:

local function onComplete()
print("video finished playing")

local path = "test.mp4"

path = system.pathForFile( path, system.ResourceDirectory )

media.playVideo(path, true, onComplete)

same result! :(
doesn't work!

so as i understand there is no way to play video on Android?

Just remotely:

media.playVideo("",media.RemoteSource, true), you need to be able to store your Video files on a web server for playback on Android.

that is sad...
One more question.
video on iPhone. I want it to play only in landscape orientation.
How can I prevent video from auto rotating to portrait orientation?

this (in build.settings) doesn't work:

settings =
        orientation =
                default = "landscapeRight",
                supported =
                        "landscapeLeft", "landscapeRight", 

There is no way to playback video on android if that video is packed with your app?

So far goodbye for educational applications which work offline and use video then...

And what about splash videos in games? People don't want to get that downloaded from over the internetconnection everytime they play a game?

Is there realy no way to get this playing? on android?

Since the end of october this was supposed to be fixed.

Come on please somebody at Ansca, can you PLEASE get this to work and tell us how to do it?

In the current state you cannot even add a splash video to your application unless that video is everytime downloaded over the internet connection.

Please have this fixed to be able to playback video locally on android. I already mailed a couple of times about this to mister Carlos but I don't dare to ask again since I think he'll begin to hate me for continuing to ask, but this is a very important feature for us and as I see above I'm absolutely not alone.

Thanks in advance,


We haven't forgotten about this issue (case 295) and understand its significance. Thanks for your patience.


Could you maybe talk about this to mister Carlos? Somehow he mentioned that it should work, but maybe you could explain how it could be made to work?

Maybe we have to put the video in a special location to reference it from?

I sincerely hope that this would be possible.

Kind regards,

Bart Libert

So far no more news. How PATIENT is PATIENT ? Its allready from october 2010 since this thread was started and I allready asked this way before too.

Will corona support video inside an app in android YES or NO and if YES, When? In another 6 months is really far too late :(

And here we are another 6 months further.

I have the impression that corona sdk is IPHONE and hates ANDROID.

Bad luck for me, pitty to still wait for it I guess....

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