Can't start Simulator app anymore

I've been working along fine for months. Today I foolishly checked the "Don't show this again" box on the simulator flash screen, thinking I'd save a step. It used to be that starting the “Corona Terminal” started both the Simulator and Terminal programs. But not anymore. I just can't get the simulator to run. I've started the Corona Terminal and dragged the into it, and this is what I get:

Last login: Tue Jul 19 10:44:35 on ttys001
/Applications/Corona.503/Corona\ Terminal ; exit;
MacBookPro:~ brucemartin$ /Applications/Corona.503/Corona\ Terminal ; exit;

But no simulator app shows up. How do I recover?

quit corona

goto your library/preferences folder find up to three files that start with com.anscamobile.*

delete them. relaunch. re-enter your credentials.


Thanks Carlos,

That worked for me. Is what happened to me really the expected result of clicking the "Don't show this window again" box?

First, that terminal script is a kludge and really needs to die. I am embarrassed that we have that whole thing.

Second, are you sure the Corona Simulator app didn't open? The simulator app should have opened and be indicated in your Dock. But without the Welcome Window, the app is windowless when it launches so you won't see anything. And the terminal script may/will interfere with the app getting the frontmost focus so the menu bar won't switch to the Corona simulator app. Click the dock icon to bring it to the foreground and you should see the menu switch.

Yes, the simulator icon did appear in the dock. But I couldn't seem to make it do anything when I tried clicking it. Being a long time Windows developer and a new Mac user starting with Corona, I still don't think to look at the top of the screen for a menu bar. I still wait for a window to open for a menu bar, and only then when it's not there do I look at the top of the screen. Sorry.

views:1509 update:2011/9/28 9:01:40
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