spriteSourceSize in Zwoptex

How do I get Zwoptex to not save every sprite with the exact same spriteSourceSize??? I want each sprite size to be it's own custom size based on it's width and height.

Right now every sprite gets this data:
spriteSourceSize = { width = 50, height = 50 },

But other times that I've published from Zwoptex, the widths and heights are all different, which is what I want. I've tried trim/untrim but that doesn't do anything.

Zwoptex edits the sizes, that's what I've found. If I upload a 3 photos, each 200x200 pixels each, I have to adjust the size when I'm setting up the size in Corona. For instance, I had to make it 184x184 for the sprite to display properly. If you just fool around with the numbers you will get it to work correctly in a few minutes.

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios

I need Zwoptex to export the correct size of each image, instead of assigning each image an arbitrary spriteSourceSize. It's not practical to edit every image size when there's 50-100 images in each sprite sheet.

views:1528 update:2011/9/28 8:56:32
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