Runs good on 3GS and lower but not iPhone 4! (Scaling issue)

My app was just recently rejected and they included a screenshot

I think it has to do with retina display. How can I disable retina display and make it run like the iPhone 3gs?

Maybe it has to do with something in the build.settings? Please help!

Best regards,

Do you have a config.lua file in your project? This file is where you would specify how your app should scale on different devices. The Corona doc for how to set up this file is here:

But what is mean the "@2x.png" I see for iPhone 4? I only want iPhone 4 to look same as iPhone 3gs??? How is that possible?

add "zoomStretch" to your config file like so :

application =
content =
width = 320,
height = 480,
fps = 60,
antialias = true,
scale = "zoomStretch"


The "@2x.png" in the Corona doc is an example of a flag that tells Corona what the scaling for images with that flag should be. In the example given "@2x" simply tells Corona that any image with this flag should be scaled to double the default size in order to accommodate the higher resolution of the iPhone 4 screen. You don't need to use it but it is very useful if you want your graphics to look as sharp and crisp as possible on different resolution screens.

even in the CoronaSimulator, if you change from iPhone to iPhone4, you will see this behaviour.

Set the size to 320x480 as suggested by infuseddreams above.

Before you ship to the iTunes store, you need to test the app on all possible hardware you would release it for.



views:1992 update:2011/9/28 8:56:32
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