Streets of New York for the iPad available now

Hello to all,

After 6 months of work, 'Streets of New York' for the iPad (and made with Corona) is available now. This interactive 3D book takes the reader back into our history. Photographs, by Jacob Riis, showing the quality of life in the slums at the end of 19th century New York have been reconstructed in 3D. This is combined with background information about both the history of New York and the life the photographer.

* Photographs from the end of the 19th century of New York reconstructed in 3D.
* The 3D photographs can be viewed using three different modes: stereo photograph, 3d glasses (red/cyan) and sweep 3D.
* When in sweep 3D mode, you can just swipe your finger left and right over the photograph to look inside of the photograph.
* Detailed background information about the history of New York.
* Detailed background information about the life of the photographer Jacob Riis.

App store link:

Product page with screenshots and video:

ThroughView ( specializes in creating applications which transform existing vintage images and works of art into a new presentation type. Our goal is to bring back famous periods and moments from our history for you to enjoy.

Looks great!

The 3D thing looks sick!!

The 3D images are a neat idea, where do users get the 3D glasses?

Thank you for the comments.

I sell the 3d glasses on my website (a link is included in the app). But also it is possible to experience the 3d effect without any glasses. In the application there is a 'Sweep 3D' mode. Using it, you can swipe with your finger left and right on the photograph to experience going inside the photograph.

views:1500 update:2011/9/24 8:48:32
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