Word-Drop got over 20,000 downloads yesterday!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that gave us their feedback and helped us make Word-Drop a hit. We are still featured on http://www.freeappaday.com/ if anyone that missed out would like to download our game for free. Reviews are always helpful, so make sure to let us know what you think.

I was gonna download it, but damn it's big. I'm gonna have to try again when I have wifi.

If you don't mind me asking, what's using all the space? Just the tiles?

I'll be sure to give a review once I get it.

Congrats! Hearing about all the Corona success stories certainly gives me extra motivation to work on my own project.

Oh, fun game! Just downloaded it and cleared the board.

I like the little "tweaks" that make it more professional, such as the way the letters you're playing brighten when you've made a legitimate word.

Update suggestions: fade out the music when I hit the Pause button, allow me to switch on/off the music from the Pause screen, remember my settings so I don't have to set them the next time I play, and if you can't make the looped music not loop seamlessly, maybe fade it out at the end so it's not as jarring.

Picky, picky, I know. :) As it stands, I have NO problem recommending it to people, so take my criticisms as constructive! It's already a fun game and I'll go rate you 5 stars right now.


Hell yes ! Those are fantastic numbers



Thanks for the support. I just wanted to say that we are planning on adding in all of the above suggestions. I did not add in the sound system available in the new Corona update, because our last update was using the previous version.I was a little rushed making version 1.0.1, because of FAAD and didn't want to do anything that might break the game.The next update will be using the newest version of Corona and will make the game even better. I will also see if there is anything I can do to lower the file size, but I am pretty sure it is just the result of us having so many themes.

Why were you rushed by FAAD? Was there some sort of deadline?

FAAD did not rush us, we just had to pick between a date that was in about a week and one that was in about a month. We locked ourselves in on the closer date and decided that we wanted to do an update that needed to be finished the next day to get past the unknown waiting period between submission and approval in the app store. It was approved two hours before being featured. It was a situational thing and not anyones fault, but it would have been bit hectic to get that update out there with any more changes in it; mostly because of testing and the possibility for errors.

views:1733 update:2011/9/21 9:18:04
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