Does the Application Loader perform a codesign verification?


Does the Application Loader verify if the app has a valid signature before uploading the zipped file to Apple? When exactly is this check performed by Apple?

Thanks in advance

Yes, the Application Loader will give you a warning message and not let the upload go ahead if it sees a codesign issue.

That said, I have spoken with someone who didn't get an error but the binary immediately showed as "Invalid" in iTunes Connect and the user got an email to the same effect. (Although I think this was somewhat of a freak occurrence.)

Does this help?

Peach :)

Yes, thanks a lot Peach.

I asked that because I'm dealing with the following problem:

1) Genereting a build as iPhone Developer -> Corona shows the following warning:

"Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate. (-19011)"

Note: I tried almost everything to solve this, but no luck up to now.

2) Genereting a build as iPhone Distribution -> No warning message is shown, the zipped file is created, but I noticed this text in terminal:

"replacing invalid existing signature"

In my tests, the Application Loader is uploading the zipped file without problems... but these messages from Corona make me worried.

Another doubt: Can builds signed as iPhone Distribution be installed on developer devices? (by draging the build to the device in Xcode)

Thanks again.

Hey again,

1) Can the builds still be installed on your own iPhone? If so, you can totally ignore this. It's a known issue. (I know it is worrying to see it.)

2) This appears in the terminal every time - I am not wonderfully geeky enough to tell you exactly why, only that I expect it's Corona choosing the certificate/provisioning profile required and is nothing to worry about - if no warning message is shown you are good to go!

For builds signed for distribution, YES, provided that it's an AdHoc provisioning profile and NOT an App Store one. App Store builds cannot be installed on your device via Xcode.

Any other questions, just ask - and let me know if you've uploaded yet - once you're waiting for review you're all good. (Except for the agonizing wait for approval, of course!)

Peach :)

Hi Peach, Thanks a lot again.

1) Yes. I can install the builds on my devices. I'm glag to hear I can ignore those warnings :)

Thanks for the explanation on installing builds signed with different provisioning profiles on devices.

Yesterday, I uploaded 3 apps without problems.


Fantastic news, I'm very happy to hear that.

Sorry RE those warnings - I know they're troubling, we're aware of them though and they will get fixed in due time.

Hoping for a speedy approval on your apps!

Peach :)

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