Android 1280x800 Skin... Please

I know the motorola Xoom isnt popular, but the screen resolution is getting used by more and more Android devices.

We need a Skin for android that does 1280 x 800 resolution. I dont care which device you mimic for it.

I have a 1st Generation Xoom. i know the new version of its out also. I also know that Samsung Galaxy Tabs now also use this resolution. And i believe the new Motorola xyboard uses it as well.

Please hook us up with a Skin for this resolution so its easier to troubleshoot display issues for these devices.

I will bring this up in our next meeting.

Peach :)

This would be awesome if you could get them to hook us up with this to bring in the new year!!!


I have access to a xoom and an asus - via my kids devices.
I send them apks for final test - my last app took several iterations before I got a clean 1280x800 build.


what do you mean by Skin? Sorry I'm new, trying to learn as much as I can :)

Hey Leom,

When you launch Corona you can choose which device you simulate - iPhone, iPad, etc.

These guys would like a new "skin" for the simulator that is 1280 x 800.

Does that help to clarify?

Peach :)

views:1480 update:2011/12/27 8:54:37
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