CPM publish = access denied on my Win7 box?

When trying to publish:
1) Click publish
2) select a folder
3) files are copied over
4) Corona simulator tries to load - error "Access denied"
5) I manually open a new simulator and load main.lua
6) I build from there.

Wondering if you've seen this behavior before and/or if there's a fix.


Same here. Just got CPM. By the way, is the publish actually contacts the Corona online builder or it simply creat an new app folder? I hope it actually build the app for you!

Thanks guys.


EDIT: Oh, I am running Vista

The Publish button doesn't do a Build -- which is why I called it Publish. :)

It gathers all the active assets, renames any that have an alias set (Dynamic Assets), and puts them in one spot where it can be fed to Corona's actual Build process.

There have been talks on the forum about allowing 3rd-parties to actually kick off the build process and when/if Ansca allows that I'll incorporate it into CPM.

I just tested Publish in Windows and yes, it looks like a bug. The good news is that the bug happens after all the files are published to the chosen folder, so just click OK on the message and then you can launch the Corona Simulator and feed it that folder to build.

Calling the simulator from inside CPM (on Windows) is iffy right now, but Ansca says the Windows version is still in beta and when it "arrives" that won't be so problematic.

Thanks for the report.


Whew - I thought I was just sooooo noobish that I was doing something stupid. :P

Thanks for the replies guys. I'll keep at it. I already published my first game using CPM + Corona and it's kinda too simple (embarrassing!) - so I've added backgrounds, nicer music and added a menu...

But now it wont work except in the simulator. :((((

Check out www.frnapps.com for shots of the orig and the udpate I'm trying to publish.

@frnapps - I had trouble with something breaking on the device and not in the simulator, so I kludged together a way to get debug info from the device in (almost) real time:


Not sure of that will help or not, but it can't hurt. :)


PS - Just realized you're doing Android -- I think you have to be using Build 2011.336 (at least) to take advantage of my trick.

Love it! haha, I cant wait to try it.

I'm using build 2011.377 - I'll let you know as soon as I can get back to my project.

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