iOS: Problem with Monaco or other monospace fonts?

Hi everybody,

Try for the life of me, I can't get Monaco to work on my iPhone 4. I've included the .dfont file that comes with OSX as well as a TTF file I've downloaded off the internet.

I've tried referencing the font in main.lua as both "Monaco" (as it appears in Font Book) and 'MONACO' with no luck. Does anyone have advice for this? I'm using iOS4.

Does anyone know of another monospace font that works? (Other than Courier / Courier New?)

Thanks again -


Do a CTRL-Click on the font and do a get info. It should show the font's name there. You should only need the .ttf file and make sure there are no spaces or funky hidden characters in the name.

Make sure your build.settings are right as well, that seems to be the stumbling point for a lot of these issues.

Peach :)

you can find some free (for commercial use) monospaced fonts here:

I also use fontographer for mac to check the font name, font group etc. and to edit those parameters in the font if necessary...


views:1934 update:2012/2/7 8:40:54
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