Is there a way to get a devices MAC address programatically in Corona?

Does anybody know if there is a way to get the mac address of the device your app is running on(in Corona)?

From inside the Corona SDK app alone I think it's impossible. Maybe "with a little help from your friends" - I think of a little tool outside of the app in your network. You send a request and will get an answer with the MAC address...

I know of a few different ways to get the mac address outside of Corona. I was hoping for some command in Corona that would expose the system level calls I need or some wrapper that Corona might have to accomplish the same task.

I might be able to make a separate app in native code that reads and then writes the network data to a file then launches my corona app. Inside the corona app I would then read the file.

Has anyone else dealt with getting the mac address before?

Same old song...

I would like to have something like a plugin system for own native code modules, but ANSCA is very quite about it. I think they don't like it. Anybody wrote in the forum, Walter said about it "no f*** way"

Hey Sven,

We aren't really quiet about it - it's just not something we're doing right now. Carlos has explained this many times in detail.

Peach :)

views:1682 update:2012/1/13 9:04:04
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