Best method for handling multiple resolutions

I have a pretty basic question. What are some of the techniques to handle multiple resolutions, and is there a consensus on which is the best method?

I built my current game for Android, Kindle Fire, and iOS all using a resolution of 320x480 and used letterbox scaling to make it fit all screens. It then uses @2x graphics to support the Kindle, iPad, and other high res devices. So far this method has worked pretty well for me, and I can build for any device without changing resolution settings. Is this a pretty standard way others are building for multiple devices?


Don`t you get "black borders" with this config? (eg. on iPad)


I use a slightly oversized background image to prevent this. Works pretty well.

@kbradford, thanks for the reply. I`ve done the same to handle this issue as well.


Thats definetely one way of dealing with the black border issue!

Recently (mainly due to the size of an ipad screen) ive started doing it abit differently so i can take full advantage of the larger screen size, instead of just upscaling the current iphone version.

For example...

local device = system.getInfo( "model" );
if device == "iPad" then director:changeScene("titlepageiPad","fade")
else director:changeScene("titlepage","fade") end

In the past, I did the same as you. Set screen size to be 320x480 and used @2x graphics for tablets.

In my latest project, I set the screen size to 768x1024 (iPad size) and then used scale = "zoomStretch". So, on the iPad no scaling is needed because everything is sized and spaced for that screen size. On other devices, the software scales things down to fit the screen. I'm happy with the results, but I can't say that this would be a good approach for all projects.

views:1704 update:2012/1/13 9:04:04
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