text fields causing a crash??

I have a login screen, so two text fields for the user to enter their username and password.

then a login button.

This works fine, you can enter your info, click login, then the app takes you to a welcome screen.

Problem is, once it gets to the welcome screen, the keyboard pops up again, then the app crashes. Or what I guess is a crash. There is no feedback as to why this happened

So I solved the keyboard problem by using : native.setKeyboardFocus( nil )

Now the keyboard doesn't show up, but the app still pauses for a second on the welcome screen, then, again, the app exits.

I really have no idea why this happens. If I hard code the login screen so when the user clicks login, the app goes to the welcome screen without any problems.

So I can only assume it has SOMETHING to do with the text fields. I am at a loss of what to do.

The project runs fine on the simulator...I am using the new Android 3.0 on my tablet.

help please,



views:1644 update:2012/1/11 9:01:14
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