tableview list superimposed on the old one

I prepare my element list calling tableview.newList function that works fine; when I tap on tabBar and select another screen, I remove all display object; when return to the screen with the list, the new list is superimposed on the old. It seems that it remains stored in graphics memory somewhere....
Anyone can help me ?


tableview.newList? What build is this? Are you using widget.newTableView or something else?

Did you add the item to the same display group as your other stuff, using the .view property?

myGroup:insert( theList.view )

the docs say:

display.remove( list )
list = nil

-- Don't forget to set the reference variable to nil! (as shown above)

I'm on build 2011.591 in trial.
I'm using the tableView.lua taken by some demo app .... can't remember which


@jeff472: yes, I add the item to the same group and I'm removing the object as specified in the docs. The strange thing is that if I run corona simulator on mac is not working properly and if I run on Windows7 the simulator works properly.


Why not download the latest official build and use the tableView widget? It's far more superior to the old tableView.lua

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