Error installing CoronaSDK-2011.704.msi

Hi Guys,

I downloaded the SDK earlier to evaluate it for some mobile projects I'm looking at doing, but have not had any luck installing it so far. I downloaded the windows SDK (coronaSDK-2011.7034.msi) and everytime i encounter an error message:

"The cabinet file '_99DE0C54A12B..etc' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package."

I found a similar post on this forum, but no answer unfortunately. Is there a solution or something missing from my machine I need installed? Im running on a Acer netbook, with Windows 7 starter as the OS.



I just downloaded and installed Corona on Windows 7 and it's working fine. The file name you mentioned, "coronaSDK-2011.7034.msi" is incorrect (typo?). If you click on the Download button, you will download "coronaSDK-2011.704.msi", which is the one that I tested.

If you are still having problems, please file a bug report with information about your system so we can look into the issue.


I just downloaded the CoronaSDK-2011.704.msi file from the website, and its also giving me an error when I install it.

The cabinet file '_99DE0C54A12B916EF7BF6B7E09594783' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

I don't have an actual CD-ROM on my PC, and my network is ok.
I do have a virtual CD-ROM installed to read my old CDs that I've converted into Disc Images. Do you think this is what's causing it?

EDIT: I was about to purchase the PRO version but I wanted to test it out first with the latest version that was placed on trial.

Tom: Thanks for the reply. Yes that was a typo, sorry. I downloaded the sdk again this morning and installed it successfully on a separate machine. So I downloaded it again onto my Win7 starter netbook and managed to get it installed OK this time.

I looked at the two install files and noticed that the file I was using last night was 42MB in size, compared with 60MB today. Strange - considering the 42MB file was downloaded on 2 different machines last night too. Anyway, SDK installed, so now onto evaluating :)

miggysamaniego: check the size of your downloaded install file. That was the same error message I got - I can't explain why my original downloads were smaller than they should be, but have a look just in case it's that simple :)

Jesder: Yes, thanks for pointing that out, it was 40mb also only... I'll try to download it again, although I did try repeatedly the other day and it always "finished".

i downloaded again and now this time is full 60 MB but still its getting the same cabinet error.

Please help us out. is there anything missing .NET files or JDK files.

Please let us know the exact machine requirements so we can match.

i m using windows 7 professional edition. and java 6 version and .net 2 & 3 installed on my machine.


I just downloaded the MSI file now and installed it over the last release version (build #591) and it worked for me. I downloaded it a second time via a different link on our website to be sure and it still worked.

I'm thinking the file you downloaded got corrupted on transit, just like it says. My advise is to delete the file you downloaded and then download it again.

I just tried to re-download the file, it always stops somewhere around 40+ mb... So I still can't install ..

Is there a time-out for how long you have to download the file? I'm downloading it at roughly 58kb/s.

I know Internet Explorer 7 and 6 will not continue where a download left off if the connection breaks. I can't speak for Internet Explorer 8. Perhaps you should try a different web browser such as Fire Fox or Chrome to download the file. I'm pretty sure they know how to continue download a file if the connection breaks.

Same problem here -we downloaded the coronaSDK-2011.704.msi several times and the download always aborts at about 40 MB, resulting in a corrupt installation file then, although the browser says that the file was downloaded completely.

We are using Firefox 8.0.1, so it's definately not an issue related to Internet Explorer only.

I must also admit that the anscamobile web site is quite slow here in Germany compared to other overseas web sites, so I assume it might be a routing or server problem.

This is not the first time this problem occurs -we already noticed this download issue when downloading some of the previous builds.

If this problem continues, it might be useful to provide some additional (external) mirrors to download the Corona SDK.

EDIT: After the fourth try, we managed to download the file successfully using a download manager tool.

I'm using Chrome web browser and not IE 7,8 or 9.
And the file cannot be continued as the browser flags the file as "completed" or "finished" although the downloaded file is only 40+MB.

It seems I'll have to resort to using a download manager :)
Thanks so much for a work-around :)

There is a pattern

I had also problems with the download last days - always stopping after 40MB
Here OSX and Safari from Germany - roundabout 3-4 tries with 703 and 704

Today again with 706 after 42,8MB

Most of the times I have a very slow Internet connection generally (but no problems with bigger downloads) - so I can't check if the connection to Ansca is slow from here.

Hey same problem here.
it downloads (very slowly) up to 42,4Mb and get the same error.


I've informed the main person who maintains our servers about this issue.
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention... and I apologize for the inconvenience.

I have been trying to download the mac version of the sdk for the last 24 hours without luck, it has similar symptoms. Every time it stops at ~43.4mB and consequently wont install.

The same behaviour happens using chrome & firefox on mac.

hey there I managed to install right after I posted.. it downloaded almost 60Mb of data instead 42.

Maybe it's some sort of mirror servers or maybe just a RGN ;)

keep trying, if you see the download is slow just cancel and try again.

First time I was downloading at 30kpbs and the file was broken. When I managed to download the good one it downloaded at 1Mbps.


Yep I tried again this morning and this time it all went through ok.

I spent a little while tweaking this this morning. Let me know if you are still having issues.

woooooo magic!

It's now working here.

What was the problem?

views:2090 update:2011/12/31 9:35:10
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