Infinite parallax scrolling

I have read a couple of posts and code shares about modularised / world based parallax scrolling

However what I'm not finding is an infinite one. I have seen the levelhelper tool which shows the scrolling foliage example but this doesn't seem code based. The reason this is important is the faster the player goes the relative speed of each layer needs to move - think hyper space!

From a conceptual point of view I thought of having two base background display groups and a further two that sat in front. Then all I do is scroll and when one is out of view replace with the other and vice versa.

However this doesn't seem efficient as double the amount of assets have to be catered for.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated

My bad didn't see this post

Still interested in any one's views if should be handled differently, particularly if not a or snow field

views:1903 update:2011/12/31 9:35:10
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