Strange interaction with fromLeft/fromRight and image background with storyboard

I seemed to have found some type of interaction between display.newImage and storeyboard.gotoScene.

I have three files - main.lua, menu.lua and nextscene.lua.

main calls storeboard.gotoScene("menu") which transitions to menu.lua.

menu.lua has a background image and displays a button image that touched will transition to nextscene.lua.

nextscene has a background image, button image to go back to menu and a display.newRect. Both are set to be centered in the display.

If I set the gotoScene in menu to "fade" everything works as I would think, nextscene items are centered. (Line 13 in menu.lua)

If I change the gotoScene in menu to "fromLeft" or "fromRight" the items in nextscene are offset to the left about 40. The other transition styles work OK.

Also - if I comment out the background image in nextscene they work again. (lines 14 and 15)

I've posted a zip with the files and required images at:

Of course the obvious work around is to not use fromLeft or fromRight - but it should work and I happened to pick those as my first choices and it took a bit to pin it down.

leon ...

I have run into the same problem. When something has been drawn outside of the screen and gotoScene is called with "slideLeft" or "slideRight" as transition effect. The entire scene will be placed wrong.

It seems the storyboard takes all the contents of the scene into account, not just the scene width.

I am also forced to use "fade" for now. Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet?

This issue has been fixed (it was filed as casenum: 10733) and will appear in an upcoming daily build (not sure exactly which one, but you'll see it in the release notes).


views:1707 update:2011/12/28 9:26:54
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