RSS and data streaming

I need to make an app with corona that (A) downloads RSS feeds and interprets it, and (B) uses the url embedded in the RSS feed to stream a video.

So basically I need to make an RSS reader and a video streamer.

Anybody know how? Got any tips?

I ended up using php on a website to parse the rss data and output the required code to a url to embed in a webpopup.


ScottPhillips, thanks for the links.
Now i'm trying to make this app from third link working (creating-an-rss-and-json-driven-app-with-corona-sdk) with Corona SDK version 377 (latest that supports Android ARMv6 Devices) and i can't make it workt. It's working good with newest versions of Corona, but with this old one, it's not :(

When i'm trying to run this app, terminal shows no error, only:
"Warning: display.setStatusBarMode() not supported in the simulator for current device"
And nothing happend, just blackscreen :)

I know that Ansca doesn't support ARMv6 anymore, but maybe someone will know why this code is not working and what should i do to fix it?

Ignore this warning, it has absolutely no impact on your code in the simulator, but does work with the target device.

Can't help with the ARM6 issue, as I'm not that old. ;7)


views:1531 update:2011/12/27 8:54:37
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