opeing web pop up question

I'm have a question for you guys:

Can I open a web pop up sending an http before?

seem.. to use "pagseguro", a sistem for credit card, I need to send an http protocolo with "POST" to an adress and this adress open a page for payment

so anyone has an idea to solve this problem?

I don't believe this is currently possible with web popups, however you can do an network.request and send "POST" data, write the response to a local HTML file (in system.TemporaryDirectory, perhaps?) and display THAT in a web popup.

I was searching for this local html in the afternoon and I don't found it
can you give me the link to this local html?

thanks for reply beebe

little question beebe, how can I download the whole page?

views:1547 update:2011/11/25 8:45:21
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