oneshot emitter on collision

Hey guys,
i just purchased particle candy and am enjoying it thus far, seems really cool. I hoped that i could find some help here. What i am trying to do, is make it so when my character collides with an object, then my emitter plays. the issue im finding is that when i create my Emitter, and set the "Loop" variable to false, then when i go to use Particles.StartEmitter("test"), the emitter does not fire the effect. I am trying to have it just do a oneshot explosion when i trigger it. If i leave the "Loop" variable as true, it is constantly repeating on screen, but will play as well when i trigger it. Can anyone please explain the best way to setup my emitter so it will stay dormant only until i trigger it to play and it will play only once? thanks in advance.

views:1497 update:2011/11/10 9:30:09
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