How this app can be created through Corona?


I like the idea and the sample layout of this app:

I want to know how I can create the same layout through Corona?


Native iOS widgets.

How to get it?

That could easily be built using the widget.TableView controller

is there any demo for it? thanx

Check code sample from new daily build or just do some demo - you have API on website.

Thanx I checked the demo but its not the same Widget as the app

Sorry, nobody give you solution but customize Widgets is easy. If you have problem with this just buy pro support:
or pay some developer on this forum. I can show you the way to find solution but will not give you finished code because it's not good way to learn something about Corona SDK or LUA.

The app appears to be a splash screen that loads your basic TableView controller in place. Then for each row in the table view, you have a detail page for that row. Now it looks like that each detail page may have multiple detail pages that can be page to with previous/next buttons. Combining the widget.tableView with either Director or SceneManager, this would be a hyper simple app to setup.

The problem you're going to run into and this is probably why you're not getting a lot of help, is that the widget.tableView controller changed drastically in a recent daily build. I've not had time to go and covert my tableview based app to the new method yet, so I can't point you to existing code. The api documents are in a bit of a state of flux because of the changes.

While I enjoy helping people, I'm trying to get some apps done so I can make money and right now is not a good time for me to be doing pro-bono work. So as @gtatarkin said above, you can pay for premium support, or hire someone on here to write a template for you.

ok thanx guys for your support :-)

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