Build for the Nook

Is there a special build that allows this? I am at a complete loss on how I am supposed to test an app and would really like any relevant information.

I have a rooted nook with Quick Installer to allow me to load .apk files from a micro-sd card. I then built a hello word app and instal it. Everything went fine until I ran it and a message appeared stating that "the app is not supported on the device". Pop-ups seem to work and so does music. Is there something special that must be done? BTW, I have the newest daily build and am using the debug info on the build settings.

Hi Adam,

I have deleted your dupe thread. Please read the rules; - We like to keep a clean forum ;)

As to your question, there are a few select developers who are able to build for the NOOK but it is not currently available for everyone.


Sorry about that. I was unsure what the correct forum to post in was, so I tried to check in each. It was not clear to me whether it was a build issue or an error on my part that the android community would have some insight into. I did not intend to spam post, I have just had terrible luck getting a response from moderately vague questions like the one I posted.

It's OK - I didn't see it as spam or anything like that.

FYI you should be able to edit your questions if you need to by clicking on "edit" just below the thread title, I believe.

Peach :)

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