Does anyone know about font license?

First of All, I do not know where should I post this topic. If it is wrong forum, I am sorry.

This is my first time to make the game for sale.
I heard about font license but I am not sure that... Is it ok for me to use the microsoft basic fonts for my game?
On the website(Eg. Monotype Imaging Inc. (USA)), did not show the price and just ask me to send e-mail.
What should I do?

This is a very complex question with not so easy answers.

Microsoft Fonts can be used on a website in the CSS font-family tag, but you cannot legally upload Microsoft fonts to your webserver for use with font-face. The assumption is for websites at least is that the core MS fonts are going to be on most everyone's computer.

In your CSS you can do a font stack like this:

body {
   font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

Additionally, you could try searching for open-source and free fonts on the internet. Most free font sites allow you to download fonts, and have a license text file attached explaining what you can and cannot do with the fonts.

With open source fonts, you'll also want to read the terms of the license, but usually there is a way you can use them, and there are tons of viable alternatives to commercial fonts if you don't want to have to pay for anything.

An excellent site for really free for commercial use fonts:

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