Android Video Controls

The Android video controls are present even when you set them to be hidden. Is anybody else noticing this?

What version of Corona are you using? Is this present in build .591?


Yeah i'm using 591.

Is that expected behavior with 591?

This is a known issue on both iOS and Android since before the 591 release. It's on our to-do list to fix for Android, but I doubt we'll have it fixed for iOS by the next release.

No not really. We just released an iphone/ipad app that uses video and doesn't show the controls. The only thing the iOS video player doesn't do correctly is it doesn't lock the orientation to what the app is set to in the corona specific settings. Is anybody else noticing the video control in iOS? We certainly don't see them.

Interesting, because I know for a fact that iOS ignores this flag. Perhaps iOS has the opposite problem where you can't show the controls.

I can confirm the bug on Android. Joshua, any ETA on a fix for this? It makes it pretty hard to integrate a video into an experience if the controls show up.

views:1299 update:2011/10/29 17:13:10
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