Volume keys on Android


For some reason, the volume keys doesn't work on Android using the latest daily build (640) when before it worked!


Hello emi,

Do when you press the volume up/down buttons, do you see a popup window showing you the volume bar going up and down?

Hi Joshua,

No, I don't see the common volume window. Probably something has changed, because I have another app built with an older version an it works perfectly.

FYI, I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S2.


Did you set up a key event listener in Lua? If you are overriding the volume keys (or all keys for that matter) by returning true, then that would block the default volume handling. For example, the below Lua code would block volume handling...

local function onKeyEvent( event )
      return true
Runtime:addEventListener( "key", onKeyEvent );

Hi Joshua,

I've done exactly what you've said, returning only true if it is the back button, and it works! I must be careful when using key events :)

Thank you for your time!

Glad I could help. :)

views:1684 update:2011/10/22 17:28:16
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