help with dragging object around a circle or square track

Hey guys,
I am new as of last week and stuck! Corona SDK is awesome, but I am still to new I guess. I am trying to drag a square object around a square track and I want the object to be constrained at it's middle to the square track as I drag it. So it only moves when I touch it and it only moves on that track if that makes sense. So far all I can do is drag it on a straight line. Any suggestions or insight would be very appreciated. Thanks!

Are you new just to Corona or to development/programming in general?

Here are some thoughts for you on how to resolve it

Create a path with points, and as you drag the object, move it on that path, that way it will be constrained to the track you have.



new to programming in general, but learning as fast as I can. Thanks, I will see if I can figure out what you said. The logic makes sense, I am just new to learning how to code.

Then the first piece of advice for you in general is to spend some time *reading* look at the Code Exchange, there are wonderful examples there that will teach you a lot of things.

Also try to learn about the basics of game development, otherwise you will always have a question if your basics will be poor.



views:1524 update:2011/10/19 8:59:29
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