Ghosts VS Monsters aka Angry Ghosts - Angry Birds Sample Game is Open Source

The question has been asked many times. Can Corona SDK be used to create Angry-Birds types of games?

Take a look at Ghosts vs Monsters.

Created exclusively for Ansca by Jonathan and Biffy Beebe.

Want the source code? It is fully open source at our Code Exchange pages

Sample took less than 36 hours to code, with music and graphics.


I have to say that is pretty sweet. It almost makes me forgive you for the whole facebook thing (almost).

Is that game coming out (after adding more content probably)? It actually looks pretty good.

Nope. You can do whatever you want with the source. Even create your own game and ship it.

If you use the images, you must give attributions to Jonathan and Biffy Beebe from Beebe Games.


Carlos... I wanna make sweet love to you, jonathan and Beebe!

this is awesome! More examples like this and corona gonna explode!

I have to say that's probably the best possible advertisement for Corona, plus now that it's free to try I expect a big increase in users (it won't be only me whining in the forums, yay!). You have to get it out there.

Also now that I can post on facebook again, you're forgiven ;)

Best christmas gift ever!! Thanks

Can you guys look at my twitter at and or help spread the word about the Ghost vs Monsters open source...



Wow! This is amazing. Well done to ANSCA & Beebe & Co! Marketing landslide! Thank you!

Already retwitted. Cheers.

More details on my blog post here:

Biffy and I really hope you guys enjoy it, and learn a lot from it!

Thanks for getting it up quickly Carlos!

P.S. For anyone with an iPhone 4 (or iTouch 4), build for device and test it! Game looks even better than in the simulator :-)

For those interested, the "Wee!" sound effect when the ghost goes flying... That's MY voice recorded with Audacity lol. All I did was go to Effects > Change Pitch (to make it much higher, of course) and then Effects > Change Tempo to get it the right length.

Audacity is free:

With just the change pitch/change tempo settings in Audacity, the possibilities are endless when it comes to making tiny chipmunk-like voices (or even overly deep voices) for your games... and the end-product won't sound anything like you so you don't have to be embarrassed :-)

Testing on Android, Galaxy S.

when in any level if you press the pause button then the level button,and answer yes to the are you sure want want to quit message, the App just hangs. In the simulator the app goes back to the beginning screen where you can tap play. but on the galaxy s the app, just hangs.

but if you win a board and click to return to the beginning on the popup menu, it goes back fine.

something fishy ( or ghostly ) going on here.

Firstly, thank you for this excellent example to learn and improve from.

I have a question . . .

This code works fine, but I am getting a warning message (although it doesn't crash) that says . . .

'attempt to 'setLinearVelocity' (a nil value)

This is from the if shouldPoof then . . . function, under the ' Make ghost disappear and show "poof" animation ' heading.
It occurs when I restrart the level or go on to the next level.

I've tried many different ways to smooth out this glitch, including making sure the object is added as a physics body, making sure all timers and transitions are cancelled and even setting shouldPoof to nil on the restart and next level buttons etc. I've also included if statements but they didn't do the trick.

Is everyone learning from this sample code getting the same warning message in the terminal window?

I've run out of ideas and am not seeing something (probably obvious as always :) )

Anybody out there with more experience than me who has fixed this glitch?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Say you're trying to set the velocity of X. do something like this:

if X ~= nil then

Thanks buddy, will try this.

I never thought about checking if the object was nil to stop the function executing a nil value.

Good advice.

Just mucking around and leaning from this great coding example and have made a 'New Game' button that will hopefully set the scores on both levels (1 and 2) back to zero.

Not sure how to go about setting the scores back to zero in the most effective way.

Should I reset each level, each with it's own reset code or is there a more efficient way?

If anyone with more hands on experience has any advice on this it would be appreciated, as this is a whole new area for me and I'm currently wading through the 'saving to file' info.

Thankyou ANSCA & Beebe & Co for this great code to learn from!

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